Thursday, September 6, 2007

Not much going on

I have not had much going one lately and haven't been in a blogging mood. I'm not sure blogging is for me. I thought since I love to write that blogging would come naturally to me. I was wrong. I want to blog. I just cant seem to do it.

Kylee seems to be feeling better from her seizure and virus. I had a small temporary job last week, and really enjoyed being back in the work force, even if only for 4 days. It makes me miss working a little bit. I dont like the idea of Kylee at a babysitters/daycare all day everyday (although that works for some people and I am not judging by any means)(its just not for us) but I do miss working a little bit and would love to find something to bring in a little extra money. It is hard because if I found something part time it would have to pay enough to be worth the daycare costs. Any ideas out there?

I'm really going to try harder on this blog thing. I think it is a great way to keep a journal/scrapbook for Kylee (since I am so not into the scrapbooking thing). Anyway have any suggestions on making blogging easier? I sure dont have a problem reading a ton of blogs daily, just cant seem to post on my own blog.

1 comment:

Christie said...

I don't know about the work thing, I am a stay at home mum, as it would be pointless for me to work. Once we paid for childcare we would probably break even! On the blog front, I have been going through a bit of a blog lull too, but I find that you just need to get into a rhythem of posting something everyday. Maybe just a photo or a short story about your day. I find once the kids are in bed it is a good chance to reflect on the day & write my blog, hope that helps. By the way your daughter is cute as pie!