Saturday, September 29, 2007

Pretty Lame Post

Febrile Siezures really stink. Kylee has not had one for a couple week though, but she seems to be running a fever on and off, so its just a matter of time. I'm not sure if the fevers are from her teething or something else. She has had problems with ear infections but she doesn't seem to be pulling at her ears like she normally does when she has one. I'm guessing its the teeth but it still stinks. We are always on edge, just waiting and I dont want to live like that. On another note, my White Blood Count is so low that they could not give me my treatment for my Crohn's disease. When I go out, and if I wear a mask (which I'm supposed to because of germs) then I like to draw a big set of lips and teeth for those who like to stare, I think it is just funny. I should take a picture of that sometime. I'm not trying to complain. I just hope the siezures get easier, if that is possible. And for me, I'm used to and have accepted most of the stuff that comes along with the Crohn's and just deal with it the best I can!


kellyo75 said...

Wow, you go through a lot, don't you? I am so sorry you are having these issues.

Thank You for your comment. I don't know why my email wasn't working. I will try to email you and answer your questions like that!

kellyo75 said...

I guess I can't email you either. Weird. I came across your blog while I was randomly blog hopping this morning. I liked it, so I added you (hope that's ok)

I have 2 boys and one girl. My oldest boy is almost 12, My next boy is 5 and my baby girl is 3.
MOPS is for Mothers of Preschoolers. It's an awesome organization and it has helped me regain SOME sanity! There are groups all over the place, you should look into it!
And, I definitely will continue looking at your blog, I love it! HAve a wonderful weekend!