- crafts
- great bargains
- jewelry
- making said jewelry
- reading
- writing
- reading blogs
- spending time with family
- watching my daughter play and explore the world
- bags-hand bags, diaper bags, any kind of bags
- baking
what are some of the things you like to do?
You should post photos of some the jewelry you've made! I would like to get into doing that more. It can't be horribly complicated, can it!? I love long beady necklaces these days and I wish I could make some for myself.
My comment is: I love you, your daughter,your brother-law, and so on , and I support anything you do. this is neat tho,go for it! I really enjoyed it, you know I think Kylee is the sweetest of all. I`ll holler at ya later, love you , joyce
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